Order Confirmed Email Template For Ecommerce Industry
Introducing Selzy's new free email template "Order Confirmed" designed specifically for the ecommerce industry. After an order is placed on your website or mobile app, follow up with your customers with a detailed listing of the products they purchased with this custom email. In addition to detailed information about your customer's order, it includes additional customizable fields for shipping address, payment status, and shipment tracking. Use this email in your automated communications to ensure a seamless shopping experience for your customers. You can also customize the design and include links to your apps and social media to upsell.
Other templates and categories
- New Year
- Gaming
- Valentine's Day
- Welcome
- Cyber Monday
- Birthday
- AI
- Giving Tuesday
- Password Reset
- Halloween
- Education
- News
- Black Friday
- Nonprofit
- Newsletters
- Christmas
- Veterans Day
- Business
- Thanksgiving
- Interactive
- Travel
- Design
- Blue
- Pink
- Webinar
- Chinese New Year
- Video
- Promotional
- College
- Human Resources
- Back-to-School
- Food
- Digest
- Fashion
- Beauty
- Orange