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Free tools for marketers

Just enter some data and calculate the effectiveness of your marketing channels and more.

Email marketing platform finder

Find the right email marketing platform for your business. Easily compare features, benefits, pricing, and pros and cons β€” all in one place.

Customer Lifetime Value calculator

Marketing is all about LTV β€” a metric that shows how much profit a customer brings you for the entire time of your relationship. Use our free tool to ensure that the cost of attracting a client doesn’t exceed the income they bring.

Customer Acquisition Cost calculator

The CAC metric helps you analyze the effectiveness of advertising and estimate how much it costs you to get one customer. Use it to track the effectiveness of marketing channels and optimize costs without losing customers.

Return on Investment calculator

To understand whether a marketing channel brings anything to the table, marketers use ROI β€” a basic metric that shows how much profit your digital marketing efforts generate. Use this free online tool to find out how effective your marketing activities are.

Mailto Link Generator

Generate mailto short links with subject lines, body copy, and recipient email addresses, including BCC and CC, that are easy to share on social media and embed on your website.

Privacy Policy Generator

If your website has any form of data collection, this is considered the processing of personal data, so you need a Privacy Policy to follow legal requirements. Use our Privacy Policy generator to get a policy for your business.