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Selzy Integration With Zoho CRM

How to create a connection in Selzy to the Zoho CRM and set up the transfer of contacts or leads from Zoho CRM is explained in these instructions. 

Creation of a new integration

In section Integrations, go to My integrations and create a new connection (New): 

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

You are looking at the integration editor. Here you choose from which service you will receive data and to which service you will transfer it. 

Select an app which sends the data — selecting the service from which the data is sent and setting a trigger for the transfer.

Select an app which receives the data — selecting the service that receives the data and configuring the action to be taken on the data. 

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

Selecting the trigger for the data transfer

  1. Click on Select an app which sends the data:

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

  1. Select Zoho CRM in the App field and Updated records in the Event field. This trigger will respond to both a change in the row and the addition of a new row.

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

Set up a connection to Zoho CRM

To complete the configuration of the trigger, you need to create a connection to the Zoho CRM service. 

  1. Click Add a connection to add a connection to your Zoho CRM account:

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

  1. Enter a name for the connection and click Continue:

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

  1. Give Zoho CRM access via the Grant access button:

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

  1. In the pop-up window, give permission to perform the requested actions:

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

  1. After a successful connection, a notification window will appear. Press any button, e.g. OK: 

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

  1. Then in the pop-up window in Additional parameters select the Zoho Crm module from which you want to transfer data. Usually it is either Leads or Contacts module. If you need to set up both Leads and Contacts, you need to create two connections and select different modules. 

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

  1. Then click Add a trigger

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

Setting up the trigger

  1.  In the Automation operation mode pop-up window, select data transfer mode. 

Real-time — real-time data transfer. The data transfer will start when the first change is made to the lead/contact or a new lead/contact will be added. 

Data migration — transfer the data that was previously in the module. If the selected module already has leads/contacts and you need to transfer them to Selzy, then the Data migration option will be fine. In this case, select Add many contacts rather than Add a new contact as the Selzy action. 

Select Real time to transmit new rows and keep an eye on changes in the row: 

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

  1. In the Fields Setting window, select whether to load the changed lead/contact once or more. 

If you select Yes, 1 time”(Yes, 1), the field data will not be overwritten when the lead/contact is changed in Zoho CRM again. 

If "no, load always" (No, 0), the field data will be overwritten and new changes to the lead/contact will be added. 

We recommend choosing "no" (No, 0): then every field change in Zoho CRM will be transferred to Selzy. 

Select an option and click Save: 

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

Setting up the action

  1. Click Select an app which receives the data and select Selzy in the App field:

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

  1. In the Action field, select Add a new contact:

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

  1. In the Selzy Account field, select your Selzy connection and then click Add an action:

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

In a new window you set up the rule for overwriting data, the fields to be transmitted, the list where the contacts will go, and connect the list subscription confirmation. 

  1. In Overwrite rules select overwrite mode for fields, e.g. All fields will be overwritten. The overwrite rule will be valid for those contacts that are already in the list.

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

Add new values to fields (0) is selected if you only want to pass unfilled or new contact fields and not to change existing ones. If the contact was in other lists, it will be added to the new list and remain in the old lists. 

All fields will be overwritten (1) is worth selecting if you want to replace all field values with new ones: the old field values will be deleted and replaced by the new ones. If the contact was in other lists, it will be removed from them and will only be added to the one specified in the Contact List field. 

Only passed parameters will be overwritten (2) — only the fields that are transferred from the spreadsheet will be replaced. If the contact has other fields in Selzy, they will not be changed. 

How overwriting looks like in practice: 

Email Name Lists Tag Product Order
Selzy [email protected] Ann 1 a - 444
Zoho CRM [email protected] Maria 2 b 🍋 -
Result (0) [email protected] Ann 1, 2 a, b 🍋 444
Result (1) [email protected] Maria 2 b 🍋 -
Result (2) [email protected] Maria 1, 2 b 🍋 444

Selzy row — contact fields before transferring a contact from Zoho CRM. Zoho CRM row — fields that are transferred from Zoho CRM. 

Afterwards, you see the result of each overwrite rule:

Result (0) — Add new values to fields (0)

Result (1) — All fields will be overwritten (1)

Result (2) — Only passed parameters will be overwritten (2) 

The Lists and Tag fields you specify when configuring the connection in the second step Add a new contact. Email, Name, Product, Order fields are transferred from Zoho CRM module. 

  1. In the Email field, select the name of the column from which the email address of the lead/contact will be transmitted. 

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

In the same way, you can choose from where the phone number and name will be transmitted: 

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

  1. In the Contact List field, select the list in Selzy where the contacts will go.

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

  1. In the Double Opt-In field, select whether or not an opt-in email is required to sign up for the contact list. If an opt-in email is not required, select «3».

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

Always send an invitation (0) — invitation email required to subscribe to the list Invitation letter not required (3) — invitation email not required, contact is immediately added to the list with «new» status Invitation letter for new users only (4) — the system will check: if the contact has not been in your lists before, an invitation email will be sent; if the contact is already in the lists, it will be added to the specified list immediately 

In the screenshot below you can also see an example of filling in the fields: 

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

  1. Save the settings by clicking Save. 

 How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

  1. Click Start to start the integration. 

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

Connection between Zoho CRM and Selzy is ready: now when a contact/lead is added or changed in the selected module, this data will be sent to the contact list in Selzy. 

How to connect Selzy with Zoho CRM

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