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Download and Analyze Your Delivery Report

The reports on the sent emails are available for analysis in your account. The information on the latest campaigns can be found on the Campaigns — Campaign history page.

To analyze a detailed report, click on the name of the email needed.

If you need to show the data to the analysts that have no access to your account or to make a report for the senior managers, you can export the campaign performance reports.

You can download the delivery report and the click report.

How to download the click report

To download a delivery report, click on the link Download Delivery Report in the Campaign Details section on the Campaigns Dashboard page. Then, choose the appropriate file format.


The Download Delivery Report button in the Campaign Details section of the Campaigns Dashboard page in Selzy.

We will send the link to download the file to your email address given in your account settings.

An email with the link to download your delivery report in your account’s inbox.

The link will also be duplicated in the Selzy chat.

he message in the Selzy chat containing the link to download the delivery report.


The report file is available through the link for 24 hours. If more time has passed, download the report again.

You can choose between three formats: CSV, XLSX and PDF.

The file formats that are available to download.

The way of presenting information and the types of data in the files of different formats are different.

The CSV and XLSX files contain detailed text information in the form of a table. This data is stored for 180 days and is intended for a detailed analysis of the campaign.

The PDF file contains the general information in the form of figures and diagrams that demonstrate the performance of the campaign. This data has no storage limits.

Let’s compare the information in the reports in different formats.

Delivery reports in CSV or XLSX

The CSV and XLSX files contain information divided into several columns.

The compulsory columns are:

  • Email.
  • Send result.
  • Update time.

The other columns may lack information, it’s ok. Such columns include phone numbers and other additional fields for your contacts.

In the Email column, there are all the email addresses that you sent your campaign to.

The Email column in the delivery report in the CSV format.

In the Phone Number column, there are phone numbers of those of your contacts that have this column filled in.

The Phone Number column in the delivery report in the CSV format.

In the Send Result column there are all the statuses of your campaign delivery:

not_sent The email hasn’t been processed yet.
ok_sent The email has been sent, it’s the in-flight status before the delivery/undelivery report comes in.
ok_delivered The email has been delivered. It may change to 'ok_read', 'ok_link_visited', 'ok_unsubscribed' or 'ok_spam_folder'.
ok_read The email has been delivered and registered as the read one. It may change to 'ok_link_visited', 'ok_unsubscribed' or 'ok_spam_folder'.
ok_link_visited The email has been delivered, read, and a link has been clicked on. It may change to 'ok_unsubscribed' or 'ok_spam_folder'.
ok_unsubscribed The email has been delivered and read, but the user has unsubscribed through the link in the email. This status is final.
err_blacklisted The message has been rejected as a blacklisted one. It will be resent.
err_will_retry One or more attempts to deliver the email failed, but the attempts are still taken. The status will change.
err_resend It is practically the same as err_will_retry, with some inessential internal features.
err_internal Internal failure. Resend of the email needed. The status is final.
err_user_unknown The email address doesn’t exist, the delivery failed. The status is final.
err_user_inactive The email address used to exist but is not working now. The delivery failed. The status is final.
err_mailbox_discarded The recipient mailbox was deleted. The status is final.
err_mailbox_full The recipient mailbox is full. The status is final.
err_domain_inactive The domain doesn’t receive emails or doesn’t exist. The status is final.
err_destination_misconfigured The domain doesn’t receive emails due to incorrect settings on the recipient side, and the answer from the server contains information about the removable cause (for example, the use of a non-working blacklist, etc.)
err_spam_rejected The email has been rejected by the server as spam.
err_too_large The email exceeds the maximum size according to the recipient server. Another reason for rejection of the email by the recipient server may be due to an improper type of attachment. For example, .exe.
err_giveup This status is later assigned to emails with err_will_retry, err_resend statuses after the limit of retries is reached.
err_spam_removed The send has been canceled due to the blocking of the campaign as spam. The status isn’t final, it may be changed to not_sent, delayed, or err_spam_may_retry after negotiations with the recipient mailing service.
err_spam_may_retry Is equivalent to err_spam_rejected, but you can resend the email by making up a new email of the same content.
ok_spam_folder The email has been delivered, but the recipient server put it in the Spambox. The status is final.
err_delivery_failed The delivery has failed due to other reasons. The status is final.
err_skip_letter The delivery has been canceled because the email address is currently unavailable (except for the statuses err_unsubscribed and err_not_allowed).
err_spam_skipped The delivery has been canceled due to the blocking of the campaign as spam. The status is not final and may be changed to not_sent, delayed, or err_spam_may_retry after negotiations with the recipient mailing service.
err_unsubscribed The delivery was not made because the email address had unsubscribed. You can mark this address as unsubscribed in your contact lists to exclude it from the recipients later. The status is final.
err_not_available The address you were trying to send your email to is unavailable (i.e., the previous sends to this address returned the “address doesn’t exist” or “blocked as spam” answers from the server). The availability of the address might restore some days or weeks later, that’s why you don’t have to exclude it from the potential recipients. The status is final.
err_unreachable The delivery has been canceled because the address is unavailable. However, unlike the err_not_available status, it can’t recover availability. The status is final.
skip_dup_unreachable The address is unavailable, the delivery has failed. The status is final.
skip_dup_temp_unreachable The email address is temporarily unavailable. The delivery has failed. The status is final.
skip_dup_mailbox_full The recipient’s Inbox is full. The status is final.

The Send Result column in the delivery report in the CSV format.

In the Update Time column, there are time and date of the latest delivery status update for each contact.

The Time Update column in the delivery report in the CSV format.

Then, in other columns, there are additional fields created in the account. There you will find additional information on each contact that was sent the email to.

The columns with additional information in the delivery report in the CSV format.

Delivery reports in PDF

The beginning of the document is headed by the topic of your email, the time and date of its delivery.

The topic, the time and date of your email in the delivery report in the PDF format.

Below you will find a block with your campaign performance in figures and numbers, as well as a diagram demonstrating the percentage of success of each indicator to the total amount of sends/delivered emails.

The general campaign performance in the delivery report in the PDF format.

Below in the report, you will find the description of each indicator.

The descriptions of each indicator in the delivery report in the PDF format.

On the top right-hand side of the page, there is a View Report Online button that navigates to the campaign report page in your account.

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