Email automation statistics

There are two types of automation statistics you can view: 

  • General statistics in the list of automations
  • Detailed statistics in the automation editor

General statistics

In the list of all your automations, you can see the statistics below each previously activated automation:

  • Success (a green tick) — the total number of contacts in the ResultSuccess blocks.
  • Fail (a red cross) — the total number of contacts in Result — Fail blocks.
  • Error — the total number of contacts that did not reach Result blocks. If an action performed with a contact has resulted in an error, the contact will remain in the block where the error occurred.

An active automation in the automations list with 0 contacts that ended the sequence with a Fail result, 0 contacts that ended the sequence with a Success result, and 1 contact that resulted in an error

Detailed statistics in the automation

To access the detailed automation statistics, click on Actions by the needed automation and select Statistics from the drop-down menu.

An active automation in the automations list with Pause, Edit, Statistics, Cope, and Delete options in the Actions drop-down menu

You can also view the detailed automation statistics by clicking on the automation’s name and clicking Statistics on the top left in the automation editor.

Access the statistics from the automation editor by clicking on the charts icon on the top left by the automation’s name

Then you will access the statistics page of the actual version of the automation. Icons between the blocks show the number of subscribers (contacts) that have moved from the previous block to the next one. And each block shows the number of contacts that are currently in it.

Detailed statistics of an automation sequence with numbers indicating how many contacts are passing through each block

View the total number of contacts in each result

Click on the number of contacts in the Success or Fail result blocks.

A Fail result block with 6 contacts number

You will see information about the contacts in this block. Above, there will be the number of subscribers, and below you will see the subscribers’ email addresses and dates and times of the event (success or fail result of the automation). There, you can also download the CSV table with subscribers’ emails and other data.

A Fail result block with 6 contacts


If you see unreadable characters when viewing the table with subscribers’ emails and data, you probably need to change the file encoding.

View the errors information

To view the detailed error information, click on the number of errors in the block.

A Send email block with 16 errors

You will see all the subscribers’ email addresses that had an error. Move the cursor on the (i) symbol by each email to see the cause of the error. Each email will have its own error displayed. You can also download the CSV file with email addresses and other error data.

The error information states the httpCode, the subscriber’s email, and the reason behind the error (in this case, its Contact is unsubscribed from the list)

In the current example, the cause of the error in the Send email block is "Contact is unsubscribed from list" — the contact unsubscribed from receiving emails. 

Updating the automation statistics

You can see the time when the automation was updated on the top right.

Automation statistics are updated automatically every 3 hours. To immediately update the data, click Refresh on the top right.

On the top right, you can see the time when the automation was updated (19 minutes on the example) and click Refresh to immediately update the data

What happens with statistics after editing the automation

If a block from a previous actual version of the automation remains in the new actual automation version, the statistics of this block will display the combined number of contacts in that block from the current version and all previous actual automation versions.

Let’s say you had 10 contacts in a particular block in the first actual automation version. If you edit the automation and leave this block as is in the new version, the statistics for this block will display 10 contacts (from the previous version) plus the number of contacts that are currently in this block in the newest actual version.

Learn more about automation statuses and versions.

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