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View Aggregated Report for a Certain Period

To analyze your campaign performance, it might sometimes be not enough to assess one, two, or several emails separately. You can get a lot of useful information if you analyze aggregate statistics on all your campaigns.

To get access to the aggregate statistics, click on the More button in the Last 30 Days Stats section on your account’s Dashboard.

Navigating to the aggregate statistics.

You can also get to the aggregate statistics from Tools β€” Last 30 Days Stats.

First, choose a period for analysis.

Choosing a period to display the statistics.

Then choose the grouping needed. You can group the data in days, weeks, months, or weekdays. So, if you group the data in weekdays, you can get on which days you have sent the largest number of emails within the chosen period and if there is any difference in opens and clicks between weekdays and weekends.

Choosing how to group your data in the aggregate statistics.

The chart shows the aggregate data on deliveries, opens and clicks for all the emails within the given period. The information is represented by columns and by a curve. The curve shows the total number of emails sent, and the columns - the percent rate of opens and clicks.

The aggregate statistics chart.

To see the figures, point your cursor at the part of the chart you are interested in.

The values shown in the chart.

In the drop-down menu you will find the data in the following order: the number of emails sent, the number of opens, the number of clicks. Here you will also see a percent rate of clicks and opens to all the emails sent.

 The data you cand find in the aggregate statistics chart.

For your convenience, you can choose the metrics to be displayed in the chart.

Choosing the metrics to be displayed.

Besides, there is a slilder below the chart that can be used to study a particular part of the chosen period. For example, the first week of the month.

The presentation of data in the aggregate statistics.

With aggregate statistics, it’s convenient to analyze the dynamics of opens, clicks, and sends over a year or even several years, to trace your progress.

The opportunity to trace the dynamics of clicks and opens over several years.

On the same page below the chart, there is your Top-5 best campaigns within the chosen period.

Your Top-5 best campaigns within the chosen period.

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