Segmentation allows a user to single out the target audience from the general contact list. For example, you can send your email only to women or to those ones who live in a particular city. You can as well combine different criteria.
With Selzy, you can use either of two ways to segment your contacts:
The first way is more convenient to save a segment. For example, you have a complex segment of 10 conditions. To avoid selecting it manually every time you send a newsletter, just save the segment and use it at any time. Also, segmentation in lists is suitable even if you are not going to send a newsletter, but just work with your contacts. For example, you want to select contacts with a certain label and move them to a new list.
If you do not plan to work with your contact list, but just need to choose a segment for mailing. We recommend using the second way to segment your contacts.
Segmenting the list from Contacts
You can set up segmentation in Contacts — All Contacts, or in Contacts — Lists, including a particular list.
To open the segmentation window, click on the Segmentation button on the top right-hand side of the page.
Within the segmentation option, you can choose one or several conditions to be met; you can also add compound conditions. For example, if you are looking for the contacts that opened your emails over the past two months, apply the condition “Date of the last email opened” — “not more than_days” — “60”. Then, click on the Apply a segment button.
If you want to clear all applied conditions, you can do so by clicking Clear all.
You can save the segment to revise it later or use it for a campaign. To do this, choose Save the segment, give this segment a name, and click on the Save button.
You can find and select the saved segments if you click on the Upload a segment.
You can select the saved segment when you are creating a campaign.
After you apply segmentation, you can work with the contacts that meet the segmentation conditions.
If you want to remove the segmentation conditions and view all the contacts you have in your contacts base, just click Clear all on the All contacts page or in the segmentation window. The Clear all option also helps to remove the conditions set up by the filter.
Segmenting the list while creating an Email
At the Add Recipients step, when creating an email campaign, select the list and click the Segmentation button.
Next, configure the conditions.
For example, to select contacts that are labeled "Active", click "Labels" — "There is a match with" — "Active".
You can also select a saved segment.
After selecting the segment, click Continue and send your newsletter.
Examples of segments
Reactivation of passive subscribers
You have a database of contacts to whom you have not sent emails for a long time. But these contacts are in the general list with those other subscribers who receive emails. To select the contacts who have not been sent emails for more than 6 months, use the condition "Last sent email" — "less" — in the last field, select the date 6 months before the current date.
Send an email to those who have demonstrated recent engagement with your recent emails
You want to send emails to contacts who have opened your emails. To do this, select contacts with a rating of 3 to 5 stars. Set the condition: "Rating" — "more" — "★★☆☆☆".
Sending to those who open emails and click links
For a more accurate selection, instead of rating, use the conditions of last opened email and last email click.
For example, to select those who have opened at least one email or clicked at least one link over the last 90 days, select two conditions:
- "Last opened" — "not more than _ days ago" — "90".
- "Last email click-through" — "not more than _ days ago" — "90".
Then select "Apply for any of the conditions" above.
Useful links:
Create a Contact List
Delete a Contact List
Copy or Move Contacts Between Lists
See Contact Information & Campaign History
Rename a Contact List
How to Update Your Contact List
How to Segment Your Contacts