Why send out New Year newsletters
You’re mentally drained after all the Black Friday and Christmas sales hassle. So are your subscribers — by the end of December, they’re probably burnt out from holiday fuss and seasonal depression. Why would they open your New Year email in the first place? Why should you bother writing these email newsletters if your audience will ignore them?
New Year only sounds like an unnecessary marketing milestone — end-of-year email marketing newsletters have their benefits.
You invest in customer relationships
Wishing your customers a happy New Year is like wishing them a happy birthday. Emails like this might not increase your revenue instantly. However, acts of courtesy like a New Year newsletter help you in the long run.
Holiday emails are important for establishing a rapport with customers. If you show your audience that you care and remember about them, they’ll stay with you for longer. So, in return for putting effort into a good New Year newsletter, you’ll get customers with a higher LTV.
New Year is still a holiday
The National Retail Federation defines the holiday season as the period from November to December, which includes Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve. According to the predictions by NRF, in 2024 Americans will spend up to $989 billion during this period, which is up to 3.5% higher than last year.