Full support
All email layout elements are displayed correctly. Fallback elements are displayed for image backgrounds and web fonts.
- Apple Mail 8, 9 & 10
- Thunderbird
- Airmail2
- Microsoft Outlook for Mac 2011, 2016
- Microsoft Outlook for Windows 2010, 2011, 2013, 2016*, 2019*
* Background images and web fonts are not supported
- Android 4.4 Mail
- Gmail App (iOS)
- Gmail App (Android) (when using a Gmail account)
- iOS Mail (iPhone & iPad)
- Outlook App (Android & iOS) — will show the desktop version when using Microsoft email accounts.
- Samsung Mail App (Android)
- Yahoo App (Android & iOS)
Web (none of the following support web fonts)
- Gmail
- Mail.ru
- Outlook.com
- Office 365
- G Suite
- Inbox by Gmail
- Yahoo
- AOL Mail
- Comcast
- freenet.de
- GMX.de (the web version)
- Libero Mail
- Tiscali
- Virgilio
- email.it
- Web.de (the web version)
- Centrum.cz
- Seznam.cz, Post.cz, Email.cz
Limited support of some elements
Most email layout elements are displayed correctly, but some (with low impact) may not be displayed as expected.
- Microsoft Outlook 2013 in high-resolution displays — background images and web fonts are not supported. Font resize is applied that may expand the layout.
- Microsoft Outlook 2016 in high-resolution displays— background images and web fonts are not supported. Font resize is applied that may expand the layout. The text is scaled at 200% by default on some devices.
- Microsoft Outlook 2000, 2002 & 2003 — web fonts are not supported. Buttons can't have round corners. Social media icons are not flexible.
- Huawei Mail App (Android) — social media icons might appear vertically stacked (tested on app version
- Android 6 native email client
- Yandex.ru.
- qq.com — buttons might not be displayed properly.
- Naver — minor glitches in separators.
Support of basic elements only
When sending to these clients, we recommend using text and images in a simple one-column layout.
- Lotus Notes 7, 8 & 8.5
- Windows 10 Mail
- IBM Notes 9
- Gmail App using IMAP accounts
- Outlook.com in mobile browser (not the Outlook app)
- Web clients (mobile versions)
Web — T-online.de
Compatibility issues
This list includes new and updated mobile email clients with compatibility issues.
Web — Huawei Mail App (Android).