Getting information about domains.
Principle of use
URL to call the method | |
Arguments | |
api_key * | API access key. |
username * | User login in the system. Must match the API key. |
format * | Output format. Accepts values: html | json, json by default (html format is intended only for visual viewing of the result, the parser in this format does not work). |
domain | Domain Name. |
limit | The number of entries in the response to one request must be an integer in the range of 1 - 100, the default is 50. |
offset | Shows which position to start sampling from. Values: 0 or more are accepted (the position of the first record starts from 0), the default is 0. |
Return value | |
JSON object with the following fields: | |
domain | URL of the domain for which information is returned. |
status | Activity status of the domain. Possible values:
key | DKIM key for the specified domain. If Status = inactive, key = null. |
{ "result": [ { status' : 'success', 'domains': [ { "Domain":"", "Status":"active", "key":"MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDEi+rro0WhOumJYmdVHrHS0Xx2...." } ] } ] } |