Guide To Writing an Effective Veterans Day Email with Examples

Guide To Writing an Effective Veterans Day Email with Examples
08 November, 2023 • ... • 525 views
Sara Kurczyńska
by Sara Kurczyńska

With the approach of Veterans Day, businesses and organizations have the chance to show their respect through a well-crafted Veterans Day email. This isn’t just another marketing ploy. It’s an opportunity to sincerely express appreciation for those who’ve served in the military. The challenge is to create a message that truly honors these individuals and also reaches your marketing objectives.

Our guide simplifies this task, outlining the key components of a respectful Veterans Day email. We’ll also share email examples from various companies that have successfully captured the essence of the day.

Why should you send a Veterans Day email message?

The observance of Veterans Day is a strong thread woven into the fabric of American society. According to a survey conducted by IPSOS in 2022, an estimated 75% of Americans support Veterans Day as a national holiday. Another report shows that 8 in 10 Americans celebrate Veterans Day. 

Sending a happy Veterans Day email message is a meaningful way to acknowledge the service and sacrifices of military veterans. It can also help you show your subscribers what it means to you and your business in particular. Here are several reasons why sending such a message is important.

  • Honoring service members. Veterans Day, when we pay tribute to the men and women who have donned the uniform of the American nation, is a special occasion. Sending an email message on this day serves as a direct way to honor that commitment. It allows us to express our gratitude to veterans for their contributions to national security and the preservation of freedom.
  • Fostering meaningful relationships. For businesses and organizations, wishing their customers and business partners a happy Veterans Day is an opportunity to connect on a more personal level. It demonstrates that you care about more than just profit. It shows a commitment to civic duty and national pride.
  • Educating others. Such messages can also have an educational component. They inform recipients about the history of Veterans Day and the importance of remembering the nation’s heroes.

From a business perspective, acknowledging Veterans Day can be both a reflection of corporate values and a strategic engagement tool. Many companies use it to connect with customers through special promotions and discounts for veterans. When done using the best email marketing resources available, it can have quite a few benefits. It could drive sales. It could also boost a brand’s image by demonstrating its support for the military community. 

Furthermore, it can be the perfect moment for businesses to participate in corporate social responsibility initiatives, such as sponsoring veterans’ events or contributing to veteran support organizations. Such actions resonate well with consumers, who are increasingly favoring companies with strong social commitments.

In summary, a Veterans Day email is a simple, yet powerful, gesture that can have a profound impact on the recipients. It’s an act of remembrance and gratitude that reinforces the values of service and patriotism.

What should you include in Veterans Day email messages?

When composing Veterans Day email messages, choose the right tone and content to influence their reception. It should be a blend of solemn respect, warm gratitude, and national pride. Below, we outline five key elements to consider including to ensure that a Veterans Day message is both impactful and heartfelt.


Never forget that the core of a Veterans Day email should be gratitude. Start with a sincere thank-you. Acknowledge the immense sacrifices made by veterans and their families. Emphasize that their service is not forgotten. Highlight that the freedoms enjoyed today are a direct result of their bravery and dedication.

Patriotism and freedom

Veterans Day is a celebration of national values. Highlight the connection between the service of veterans and the freedoms we cherish. Speak to the heart of patriotism without veering into politics. Remember, the focus is on unity and collective appreciation for the country’s service members.

Stories and personal experiences

If appropriate, share stories or personal experiences related to Veterans Day or military service. For example, a narrative of a veteran within your company or community. It might also be your reflection on the broader impact of military service on society. Authentic stories can resonate deeply, creating a powerful emotional connection with readers.

Relevant quotes

A well-chosen quote can encapsulate the sentiment of Veterans Day. Whether it’s a statement from a famous veteran, a president, or a notable figure in military history, make sure it fits the context. It should align with the overall message of respect and honor.

Support and respect

End the email by offering support and showing respect. It could be through highlighting any charitable contributions you’ve made to veterans’ organizations. Alternatively, it could involve offering a special promotion for veterans. Another option is to simply provide information on how others can contribute to causes that support veterans.

Tips for writing a Veterans Day email

Crafting a happy Veterans Day email requires a thoughtful approach that resonates with everyone. In the section below, we provide essential tips for creating messages that convey respect and appreciation. 

Understand the reader

When composing a Veterans Day email, first think about the people who will be reading it. Is it someone connected to the military, or is it a wider audience that respects the sacrifices of service members? A thoughtful, targeted approach will help ensure that it ends up making a meaningful impact.

Be genuine and personal

A Veterans Day email should radiate authenticity. So, aim for a message that feels personal and heartfelt. Steer clear of content that may come off as overly promotional or that might seem insincere. Genuine expressions of gratitude and respect should connect with any audience. In fact, it’s a connection that’s going to be far more effective than the most elaborate special deal.

Balance tone

Striking the right chord with the tone is imperative when crafting a message for Veterans Day and Memorial Day alike. Aim for a tone that respectfully honors and appreciates the service and sacrifices of military personnel. Ensure that it strikes a balance, being neither too somber nor too happy and light-hearted.

Include patriotic visual elements

It’s similar to the thoughtful inclusion of autumnal themes in a fall email newsletter. Consider including respectful imagery or using colors traditionally associated with Veterans Day, such as red, white, and blue. Flags, emblems, or photographs that evoke a sense of patriotism and national pride can serve as poignant reminders of the day’s significance.

To add a more personal dimension, if relevant, weave in visuals from your or your family’s archives. Sharing a photo of a family member who has served, or images of handwritten letters from veterans in your lineage, can create a unique and heartfelt connection. This approach not only honors the individual’s service but also brings a relatable and genuine feel to your message. It serves as a testament to the fact that behind every uniform is a personal story worth honoring.

Take advantage of social media

For better results, consider bridging a Veterans Day email marketing campaign with a complementary social media initiative. By aligning both platforms around a series of posts or video interviews that spotlight veterans, you will likely see a significant boost in the visibility of the stories you’re sharing. Furthermore, as previously highlighted, leveraging authentic stories can forge a strong emotional bond with any audience, seamlessly integrating the campaigns for maximum impact.

Use a motivating call-to-action

Finally, if it fits with the message, include a call-to-action that motivates readers to partake in Veterans Day observances. It could be an invitation to attend a local ceremony, a suggestion to observe a moment of silence, or a prompt to support businesses run by veterans. Encouraging active participation can make a happy Veterans Day email a catalyst for greater engagement with the spirit of Veterans Day.

The best Veterans Day email examples from different companies

As we prepare to honor the courage and sacrifice of veterans, it would be instructive to see how various companies have approached Veterans Day campaigns. In the following section, we showcase a curated collection of exceptional Veterans Day email examples from a wide range of businesses. Each one of the said examples serves as a benchmark for striking the right balance between reverence and celebration.

The North Face

A promotional email from The North Face conveys a deep appreciation for servicemen and women. It underscores that their recognition shouldn’t be limited to just Veterans Day. Instead, it should be acknowledged year-round. 

Promotional email from The North Face stating their commitment to honor servicemen and women year-round
Source: The North Face

The company advertised a special offer on Veterans Day. It’s a special discount aimed at active, reservist, and retired military personnel. It extends to their spouses and dependents if they are currently serving. Through this offer, the company demonstrates a thorough understanding of the military community.

What’s more, the call-to-action encourages immediate engagement with the offer. In essence, The North Face aligns its brand values with the core sentiments of Veterans Day. It puts an emphasis on respect, gratitude, and inclusivity.


A Veterans Day email from Brandless artfully combines a heartfelt message of gratitude with a strategic marketing offer. The prominent thank-you message set against an American flag backdrop serves as an acknowledgment of veterans. It directly addresses veterans’ unwavering courage and selfless service. Beneath the tribute, there’s a distinct promotional component in the form of a notable discount.

A Veterans Day email from Brandless with a notable discount
Source: Brandless

Brandless achieves an intricate balance here. The discount is positioned as a gift meant for sharing, with encouragement to pass the savings on to beloved veterans. As a result, it has dual implications. Of course, the company obviously has commercial motivations. It’s a business, and it has to make money. On the flip side, presenting the discount in such a way showcases sincere appreciation and a commitment to the veteran community.


A Veterans Day email from Mugsy puts the spotlight on an individual from their community. The said individual is Brian from Chicago, Illinois. Brian has served a commendable four years in the Marine Corps.

A Veterans Day email from Mugsy featuring a photo of Brian in Marine Corps uniform
Source: Mugsy

Mugsy shares details about Brian’s role, paying tribute to his sacrifices. They also highlight the connection and sense of belonging within their community. 

This strategy conveys deep appreciation. It puts a face to the many tales of service and dedication. It also strengthens the message that veterans hold a special place within the Mugsy brand community and that they can count on its support.

United By Blue

In a heartwarming gesture of gratitude, United By Blue extends its support not just to every veteran, but to all local heroes who make our communities better. With an elegantly designed email, the brand offers a generous discount aimed specifically at veterans, teachers, students, and medical professionals.

A United By Blue email offering a discount to veterans, teachers, students, and medical professionals
Source: United By Blue

Concluding the email with a heartfelt thank-you message, United By Blue exemplifies how businesses can blend appreciation with commerce, all while keeping the spirit of Veterans Day alive.

Death Wish Coffee

Death Wish Coffee delivers a striking Veterans Day tribute through its recent promotional email. The visual presents four dedicated troops, proudly showcasing foam fingers and the iconic Death Wish Coffee flag.

A Veterans Day email from Death Wish Coffee featuring four uniformed troops holding foam fingers and a branded flag
Source: Death Wish Coffee

Beyond mere appreciation, the email reveals the brand’s charitable side. It’s a commitment to donate a percentage of sales made on Veterans Day to the Gary Sinise Foundation. 

The Gary Sinise Foundation is renowned for honoring the nation’s defenders, veterans, and first responders. The initiative invites customers to not just make a purchase, but to contribute to a heartfelt cause and show support for our front-line heroes.


The Veterans Day message below is from Huckberry. The email emphasizes the historical significance behind Veterans Day. It mentions that Armistice Day marked the end of World War I in 1918. The day is now celebrated as Veterans Day to honor each and every American veteran.

An email from Huckberry celebrating Veterans Day and offering a discount to service members
Source: Huckberry

Huckberry expresses gratitude towards American service members. They value them not just on Veterans Day, but every day. As a gesture of appreciation, the company offers a site-wide discount to veterans. This offer is for both service members and their families, provided they verify their identity.

In summary, Huckberry’s message resonates with deep appreciation for the dedication and sacrifices of American service members. By extending a special discount, they not only celebrate Veterans Day, but also reinforce their commitment to honoring those who serve, every day of the year.


AUXITO is showing its thanks to veterans with a special sale for Veterans Day. Their Veterans Day campaign features a powerful visual of well-worn military boots against the backdrop of the Stars and Stripes. It speaks directly to the heart of American patriotism.

A Veterans Day email from AUXITO featuring a pair of military boots, an American flag, and a discount code
Source: Milled

This sale does two things. It’s a smart move for AUXITO to bring in more business, and it lets them connect with customers on a deeper level. It ties their products to the values of honor and service that Veterans Day embodies.


Cross is joining in on Veterans Day celebrations by recognizing the service of military men and women. Their advertisement combines a patriotic theme with a special offer to show appreciation. 

An email from Cross with a Veterans Day discount
Source: Milled

Customers can save on their products, and CROSS is also contributing to a charity supporting veterans. This approach extends beyond a simple thank you through a discount. It helps back a broader cause that embodies the true spirit of the holiday.


Neuro’s email details a Veterans Day campaign. The backdrop features silhouettes of soldiers and the American flag. It sets a patriotic tone for the message that the company wants to convey.

An email from Neuro with a special Veterans Day discount for veterans and military members
Source: Panoramata

The message encourages customers to add a donation to their purchase. It goes to a charity dedicated to enhancing the lives of veterans. Furthermore, they’re showing gratitude to veterans and military personnel. They’re doing so by offering an exclusive discount. It signifies their commitment to giving back to those who have served.


To conclude, Veterans Day email messages should echo with heartfelt gratitude. They ought to acknowledge the courage of those who’ve served and cultivate a sense of unity and respect. 

If you’re about to write a Veterans Day message and want it to hit the right note, here is a quick checklist to guide you!

  • Embrace sincerity. A genuine thank-you should be at the heart of any Veterans Day message.
  • Balance the tone. Respect the seriousness of military service while celebrating freedom and showing support to every single veteran out there.
  • Inspire action. Encourage participation in Veterans Day activities and initiatives centered around supporting veterans.

As the year moves on, make that happy Veterans Day email a special moment to support, honor, and remember. Inspire its readers with a sense of thankfulness for the freedoms we enjoy, thanks to our veterans’ bravery. We’re cheering you on, wishing you all the best in creating a message that truly reflects our collective gratitude.

08 November, 2023
Article by
Sara Kurczyńska
Sara Kurczyńska is an experienced content writer from Poznań, Poland. She enjoys writing about digital marketing, as well as playing video games and petting her fancy rats. In her spare time, you can find her birdwatching and taking long walks around the local parks and forests.
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