An Ultimate Guide оn Email Template Sizes

An Ultimate Guide оn Email Template Sizes
04 February, 2023 • ... • 43153 views
Aida Kubatova
by Aida Kubatova

Following the guidelines for email template sizes help your emails look great on any device and provide a seamless user experience for your audience. Whether you are designing your own templates or using a pre-made one it is important to know the right dimensions and image sizes to use. 

In this ultimate guide, we will cover everything you need to know about email template sizes. Plus tips and recommendations for creating your own templates, examples of effective email marketing designs, and best practices for optimizing your emails for maximum engagement and conversion. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced email marketer, this guide has something for everyone.

Standard email dimensions overview

Email is a great way to communicate with your customers. However, if you don’t format your emails correctly, they won’t get the attention they deserve. Using the right dimensions ensures that your content is properly aligned and displayed on any device, from smartphones to desktop screens. This improves your audience’s user experience and makes your emails more professional because of improved readability and enhanced visual appeal. 

To understand this topic in more detail, let’s talk numbers. We will consider such parameters as width and height, block sizes, headings, content blocks, etc. Use the table below to quickly determine the ideal newsletter sizes:

Ideal size Maximum size
Template width

600-640 px (desktop)

320 px (mobile vertical)

800 px (desktop)

480 px (mobile horizontal)

Template height 1500 px 3000 px
Header (height) 70 px 200 px
Content blocks (total height) 800 px 1200 px
Footer size (height) 100 px 300 px
Email banner 600×730 px 700×1730 px
CTA button depends on a campaign depends on a campaign

600×650 px (depends)

200 KB

depends on a campaign

1 MB

GIF 500 KB 1 MB
Email file size 75 KB 102 KB

In general, the ideal width for email templates is around 600-800 pixels. This allows for a comfortable reading experience on most devices and ensures that your content is not truncated or cut off on smaller screens.

Best email sizes breakdown

There is no one “best” size for an email, as the appropriate size depends on the specific goals of the campaign and email design. Below you can find an optimal email sizes breakdown of some of the general dimensions, and other important email template sizes:


The width of an email refers to the horizontal size of the message, which is typically measured in pixels. It has long been believed by marketers that a width of 600 pixels is the optimal size for emails. This belief is connected with the fact that when devices were slower and display resolutions were lower, emails wider than 600 pixels could be displayed improperly in email clients. 

Many marketers believe the ideal width for a template to be 600-640 px, however, it can reach up to 800 px. If you want to stray from the guidelines, you’ll need to extensively test the email on various clients. There probably won’t be any issues, but it isn’t guaranteed unlike with a 600-640 px that is industry standard. For an email to properly show up on mobile, prepare a template that is 320 px wide. The maximum width for mobile template versions is 480 px, but readers will have to flip their phone horizontally in that case. 

As you can see in the email below from wet n wild, they chose a 610 pixels width for this newsletter, as it is a common size.

wet n wild newsletter with email width size 610 px
Source: MailCharts

To determine the best width for your email, consider the campaign’s content and the devices your recipients probably use. Try test sendings to different email clients to see if the contents of your messages are properly displayed. 


Email height is less restrictive than width options. In fact, it is close to unlimited. The only thing that limits the height of an email template is the file size requirements (we’ll discuss them below): if an email has a lot of contents and is long, its size will be bigger. The ideal template height is 1500 px. If necessary, the email can be even higher — up to 3000 px or more — to display all the required content. You just need to remember that the longer your email is, the less likely it is to be read to the end. Place important content at the top of the email. 300-500 top pixels is the space where you need to put the most significant information for your customer.

If you have a lot of content to include in the email, consider using formatting techniques, such as headings, bullet points, and shorter paragraphs, to make the content easier to scan and read. You can also use images or other visual elements to break up the text and make the email more visually appealing. 

Here’s an email newsletter from Cuyana. Although its height is almost 4000 pixels, it is easy to read thanks to a clear block structure.

Cuyana newsletter with a height of 3955 px
Source: MailCharts


An excessively heavy email may be cut off in email clients. To avoid this issue, keep the HTML weight of your emails within the range of 20-102 KB. The ideal file size is 75 KB. To reduce the overall weight of your emails, avoid using a lot of content. The HTML weight isn’t connected to the weight of the media (like images or GIFs) in an email. That means compressing an image, for example, won’t change the weight of the email. To reduce it, you’ll need to cut the content of the email.

For example, this Cartier email weighs 52.74 KB, while its image weight is 3.53 MB, according to MailCharts:

Cartier marketing email with a weight of 52.74 KB
Source: MailCharts

Consider creating a minimalist email instead, focusing on the most important information and excluding unnecessary elements. Additionally, avoid adding large attachments to your emails. This can help to keep the size of the email small and make it easier for the reader to understand and act on the information contained in the email.

Other important email template dimensions

In addition to the overall dimensions of your email template, there are several other important parts to consider when designing your emails. Check out these marketing email components:

Marketing email components
Source: Really Good Emails


An email preview (sometimes called a preheader) is a snippet of text that is displayed in an email client or app along with the subject line of an email. The preview is typically displayed in a list of emails and is intended to give the reader a taste of the content of the email: 

Email preview
Source: EmailMastery

It is a crucial part of your email, as it can entice your audience to open the email and provides a preview of the content inside. The ideal preview length is around 50-100 characters. You can learn about the preview text best practices and examples in our definitive guide. 

Some emails can also have a preheader inside the actual message. It shows up on the top of the email template, before the header. It can include the link to view the email in a browser, repeat the preheader shown in the inbox, or contain other information. It’s best to keep the preheader short — not more than 50 to 65 pixels high (or 50-100 characters). The width of the preheader is the same as the width of the email overall. In this example from Moda Operandi the preheader is 38 pixels high:

Moda Operandi email with a 38 px high preheader
Source: Really Good Emails


The email header is the top section of your email, typically containing your logo and other branding elements. The ideal size for the header is around 600-800 pixels (as the rest of your email) in width and around 100-150 pixels in height. The maximum header height is 200 px. Your branding can be shown clearly and prominently without using up a lot of space in the email.

This Columbia email’s header, for example, is 146 pixels high. It stands out thanks to the contrasting deep gray color.

Columbia email header
Source: Really Good Emails

Content blocks

The content blocks are the body of your email, where you include your message, images, and other elements.

To provide the best experience for your audience, make your content blocks brief and useful. Long blocks of content can lead to email abandonment and low email read times, which you want to avoid. Instead, keep each content block around 200-300 pixels in height. The height of your content blocks will vary depending on the amount of content you include, but it is important to keep it within a reasonable range to avoid overwhelming your audience. The total height of all your content blocks should be in the range of 800-1200 pixels.

Let’s examine the content blocks of this Herb & Olive email:

Herb & Olive email content blocks
Source: Really Good Emails

The email has 5 content blocks. The first one measures approximately 47.8 pixels, the other content blocks’ size ranges from 400 to 450 pixels. The total height of all the content blocks (excluding the padding between them) therefore is 1733.8 pixels. 


The email footer is the bottom section of your email, typically containing your contact information, legal disclaimers, and social media links:

A email footer
Source: Really Good Emails

A footer that is too large can make your email difficult to read and navigate. For that reason, a footer size should be around 100 pixels. If you need to have additional elements like website links, keep the total length of the footer at 300 pixels. Your contact information can be displayed clearly and prominently without using up a lot of space in the email. The height of the footer in our example above is 327,4 pixels.


A banner is a large image or call-to-action (CTA) that is typically placed at the top or bottom of your email. It can also include a short copy and a button:

Lush email banner
Source: Really Good Emails

The recommended email banner size is as wide as the rest of your email (so 600-700 pixels wide for desktops or 320-385 pixels wide for mobile devices) and 90-200 pixels high. In some cases, banners can take up most of the email, so the maximum size can reach 700×1730 px. 

The Lush banner in our example is an image with a slogan and a button. The height of the banner is 650 pixels. Although the recommended size is smaller, this height works because the email is minimalistic and only has one narrow content block beside the banner.

CTA buttons

CTA buttons are used to encourage your audience to take a specific action, such as visiting your website or making a purchase:

A Peak Design email CTA button
Source: Really Good Emails

The ideal size for CTA buttons is around 200-300 pixels in width and around 50-75 pixels in height. On mobile, though, it’s better for the CTA button to take up the whole width of an email.

Image and GIF size

Images can make emails more visually appealing and interesting. The best size for images in emails is around 600-800 pixels wide, so they look clear and high-quality on most devices. You should also compress images to make them smaller and make the email load faster. The ideal image file size is 200 KB and the maximum is 1 MB.

For the GIFs, aim for 500 KB and don’t exceed 1 MB. Remember that the heavier the GIF, the longer it takes to load.

What about transactional emails’ size?

Marketing emails are used to advertise products or services and try to convince the recipient to do something.

There are also transactional emails that are used to give information related to a specific action that a user has taken, such as instructions or confirmation of an action. These emails are usually shorter and are focused on providing information. They can include some marketing material, but their main purpose is to build trust with the recipient. 

Here’s an example of a transactional email:

From: ILIA 

Subject: From the desk of Sasha Plavsic…

A transactional email from ILIA
Source: Really Good Emails

This email is visibly shorter than the marketing ones. Its height is only 813 pixels. When preparing transactional messages, opt for conciseness and try not to exceed 1500 pixels.

How to set email template sizes with Selzy?

Selzy is an email service provider that offers a tool for creating unique email templates with no coding skills required. It also has 100+ free templates and a range of features like a built-in tool for making subscription forms and a block email editor for easy use. To set the size of an email template using Selzy’s email builder, you can follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Selzy account and click on the “Create campaign” button.
  • Choose from dozens of ready-made templates or create your own from scratch.
  • In the email builder, you can use the “Settings” tab on the left-hand side to set the overall size of your email template. You can also adjust the width of each separate element of the template like so: 
Changing the width of the image in Selzy email editor
  • All pre-made templates in Selzy, however, already have the ideal width of 640 pixels. If you don’t feel like experimenting with email marketing campaigns, you can go with the default settings so that your message is ready in mere minutes. We have complete guides on designing email in the editor and setting the width of the template too. 
  • You can also use the layout options to set the size of individual content blocks within the email template. You can set the width of an image block to a specific size, or you can use a percentage to make it responsive to the size of the screen. In the editor, it’s possible to interchange the desktop and mobile views of the email. To make the email even more adaptive, you can hide blocks in one of the views.
  • When you are finished setting the sizes of your email template, click the “Save” button to save your changes. After sending the campaign, you can use it as a template for future sendings. It’s also possible to prepare the template in advance without sending an email.
Selzy email constructor

With Selzy’s intuitive email builder you can design your campaigns with ease or choose from expertly made templates for different occasions.


The ideal size for an email template will depend on the specific needs and goals of your email marketing campaign, as well as the devices and email clients that your recipients are using. It is a good idea to test your email template on different devices and email clients to ensure that it is displayed correctly and looks good on all of them.

It is important to strike a balance between providing all the necessary marketing information and keeping the email small enough, so remember these tips:

  • Optimize the size of your email template to ensure that your content looks good on any device.
  • Avoid adding large attachments to your emails if possible.
  • Design and structure the emails purposefully.
  • Try using Selzy’s easy no-code email constructor for your next email campaign.

Want to revisit our template sizes table? Click on this link for a quick redirect!

04 February, 2023
Article by
Aida Kubatova
Aida Kubatova is a content writer and digital marketing manager. She’s experienced in writing marketing articles for B2B SaaS blogs, newsletters, landing pages, case studies, and interviews. Every day, she creates useful content to help marketers around the world learn more about the latest news and trends. Aida also helps small startups to grow their audience using the power of community marketing and influencers.
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