Additional Users (give access to a designer, a layout specialist, or an agency)

Selzy is an excellent option for managing email campaigns in companies of any size. 

Create additional accounts for your company’s employees with limited permissions.

  1. Create your main account (it’s an ordinary registration process);
  2. Create extra accounts for particular employees and give them permissions.

To create additional accounts:

  1. Go to Account → Users;

Go to Settings

2. Create a new user.

Creating a new user.

  1. Give the user permissions to access your lists. You can give permission only to particular lists, forbid contacts export, or even set a limit for the number of sent emails.

Types of access.

The following functions of the service are unavailable to additional users:

  • Setup of automated email series.
  • Creation of popup subscription forms.
  • Editing of list subscription confirmation emails.
  • Management of the account, change of plans, and monitoring of the cash flow on the balance.

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