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Selzy Integration With Shopify

How to create a connection in Selzy to the Shopify service, in order to automatically add new customers or orders to your Selzy contact list, you will learn from the instructions below.

Creation of a new integration

In section Integrations, go to My integrations and create a new connection (New): 

How to create a connection in Selzy to the Shopify service, in order to automatically add new customers or orders to your Selzy contact list, you will learn from the instructions below.

You are looking at the integration editor. Here you choose from which service you will receive data and to which service you will transfer it. 

Select an app which sends the data — selecting the service from which the data is sent and setting a trigger for the transfer;

Select an app which receives the data — selecting the service that receives the data and configuring the action to be taken on the data.

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

Selecting the trigger for the data transfer

  1. Click on Select an app which sends the data:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. Select Shopify in the App field and New customer in the Event field. In this case, when a new customer is added to Shopify, the new contact will be automatically added to the list in Selzy.
    If you need to transfer data about new orders, select the Order created event.

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

Set up a connection to Shopify

To complete the configuration of the trigger, you need to create a connection to the Shopify service. 

  1. Click Add a connection to add a connection to your Shopify account:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. Enter a name for the connection:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. Insert a link to your Shopify shop:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

The shop link can be found in your Shopify account in the Settings section:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

 How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. Insert an Access Token from Shopify and click Continue:

 How to connect Selzy with Shopify

How to get an Access Token from Shopify

To connect your Shopify shop to Selzy, you need to create a new app in your Shopify personal account. 

  1. In Shopify personal account on the home page, click on Apps and select App and sales channel settings:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. Then go to Develop apps:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. Give your consent to custom app development by clicking on the Allow custom app development button:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. Click again on Allow custom app development:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. Create a new app by clicking on Create an app:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. Enter a name for the app and click Create app:

Enter a name for the app and click Create app:

  1. The app has been created. To get the API keys and Access Token, click on Configure Admin API scopes:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. In the Admin API access scopes window, on the tab All, check the boxes for:







This is to allow the app to retrieve order data from the shop. 
How to connect Selzy with Shopify

 How to connect Selzy with Shopify

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. Then click Save at the bottom of the page:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. Then go to tab API Credentials and click in the window Access tokens → Install app:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. Confirm the installation of your application by clicking on Install:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. Here are the API keys for connecting the application with other services: Admin API access token, API key, API secret key. It is important to copy and save them in a separate file, e.g. in Notepad, as the keys appear only once.

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

To connect Shopify and Selzy, you will need the first key: Admin API access token. Copy it and paste it into your account in Selzy in the window for creating a connection with Shopify: 

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

Adding a trigger

  1. In the connection creation window in Selzy, after entering the connection name, inserting the link to Shopify and the Access Token key, click Continue:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. After a successful connection, a notification window will appear. Press any button, e.g. OK: 

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. Then click Add a trigger:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

Setting up the trigger

In the Automation operation mode pop-up window, select data transfer mode. 

Real-time — real-time data transmission.

Data migration —transfer of data for a certain period of time. If you need to transfer your existing Shopify contacts' data to Selzy, the Data migration option is suitable. In this case, select Add many contacts as an action in Selzy, rather than Add a new contact. This method of contact transfer can be chosen as an alternative to manually exporting a file from Shopify and importing it into Selzy. 

Select Real time to transfer the new rows:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

Setting up the action

  1. Click Select an app which receives the data and select Selzy in the App field:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. In the Action field, select Add a new contact:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. In the Selzy Account field, select your Selzy connection and then click Add an action: 

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

Setting up the fields for transmission

In a new window, set up the rule for overwriting data, the fields for transmission, the list where the contacts will go, and the list subscription confirmation is connected.

  1. In Overwrite rules select overwrite mode for custom fields, e.g. All fields will be overwritten. The overwrite rule will be valid for those contacts that are already in the list.

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

Add new values to fields (0) is selected if you only want to pass unfilled or new contact fields and not to change existing ones. If the contact was in other lists, it will be added to the new list and remain in the old lists. 

All fields will be overwritten (1) is worth selecting if you want to replace all field values with new ones: the old field values will be deleted and replaced by the new ones. If the contact was in other lists, it will be removed from them and will only be added to the one specified in the Contact List field.

Only passed parameters will be overwritten (2) — only those fields that are transferred from Shopify service will be changed. If the contact has other fields in Selzy, they will not be changed.

How overwriting looks like in practice: 

Email Name Lists Tag Product Order
Selzy [email protected] Ann 1 a - 444
Shopify [email protected] Maria 2 b 🍋 -
Result (0) [email protected] Ann 1, 2 a, b 🍋 444
Result (1) [email protected] Maria 2 b 🍋 -
Result (2) [email protected] Maria 1, 2 b 🍋 444

Selzy row — contact fields before transferring a contact from Shopify.

Shopify row — fields that are transferred from Shopify.

Afterwards, you see the result of each overwrite rule:

Result (0) — Add new values to fields (0) 

Result (1) — All fields will be overwritten (1) 

Result (2) — Only passed parameters will be overwritten (2)

You specify the Lists and Tag fields when setting up the connection in the second step of Add a new contact. Email, Name, Product, Order fields are transferred from Shopify.

  1. In the Email field, select the same field from the Shopify app from which the contact's email address will be transmitted: 

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

If you selected the Order created trigger in the first step, here you must select Customer — Email in the Email field. In the Phone field, select Customer — Phone:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

In the same way, you can select from where the phone number and name will be transmitted and add new tags for contacts:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

If you need other contact fields than the standard Email, Name, Phone, you can create them in Selzy section Contacts → Tools → Custom Fields:

How to create custom fields in Selzy

 How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. In the Contact List field, select the list in Selzy where the contacts will go:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. In the Double Opt-In field, select whether or not an opt-in email is required to sign up for the contact list. If an opt-in email is not required, select «3».

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

Always send an invitation (0) — invitation email required to subscribe to the list.

Invitation letter not required (3) — invitation email not required, contact is immediately added to the list with «new» status.

Invitation letter for new users only (4) — the system will check: if the contact has not been in your lists before, an invitation email will be sent; if the contact is already in the lists, it will be added to the specified list immediately. 

  1. Save the settings by pressing Save.
    In the screenshot below you can also see an example of filling in the fields:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

  1. Click Start to start the integration:

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

The integration between Shopify and Selzy is set up: now, when a new contact is added in Shopify, it will be automatically transferred to the selected list in Selzy. 

How to connect Selzy with Shopify

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