General tips on writing great car sales emails
Emails from automotive companies have some of the highest average open rates — almost 34% and average click-through rates of 2.54%. To get the advantage of these rates, you need to follow industry best practices. So before we dive into the templates, let’s start from the basics. Here are some key tips to write a good car sales email.
Customers are more likely to engage with a message that feels tailored to their specific needs and preferences. In fact, they shop 3 times more from companies that do personalization well. Start with a personalized greeting, and try to use the customer’s name whenever possible.
Learn more about the person you are addressing, make them feel special — there are a lot of cars around, but you have just the one for them. You can use the customer’s name, segment customers based on the preferred car brand, send them deals on specific models they are interested in, use their past buying experience, etc.
This email directly addresses the customer’s recent dealership visit: