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Selzy Integration With WordPress

Connect the Selzy plugin to your WordPress website to create subscription forms and automatically add user data to a contacts list in Selzy.

Connect the Selzy plugin to WordPress

  1. In Integrations → All Integrations in Selzy choose WordPress:

 Integrations menu

  1. Click Download plug-in:

Click the Download plug-in button

Your browser will start downloading the zip file containing the plugin in the background.

Downloading the plugin

We recommend you download the plugin from your Selzy account, but you can also do that on GitHub. To do so, go to the plugin's page on GitHub and select Code → Download ZIP:

Downloading the plugin from GitHub

  1. Go to the Plugins subsection in the WordPress dashboard and click Add New:

Adding the plugin

  1. Next, click Upload Plugin and choose the ZIP file you have downloaded on your computer. It can be the file from Selzy or GitHub, there's no difference: 

Uploading the plugin

Choosing the file

  1. Then click Install Now:

Installing the plugin

  1. When the installation is over, click Activate Plugin:

Activating the plugin

Integrate the plugin to your account in Selzy

To integrate your account in Selzy to the plugin to create subscription forms, you need to enter the API key of your Selzy account in the plugin's settings.

  1. To get the API key, go to the Settings menu in Selzy:

Settings menu in Selzy

  1. Next, go to Integration and API:

Integration and API menu in Selzy

  1. Click Show full, enter the password of your Selzy account, and copy the API key:

 Clicking Show full

Entering the password

Copying the API key

  1. Paste the API key into the Settings of the Selzy plugin in WordPress and then click Save Changes: 

Pasting the API key

Saving the changes

Done! Now you can create a subscription form in WordPress, and the collected contacts will automatically be transferred to Selzy.

Change the language of the plugin’s interface

The plugin’s interface is in English by default.

  1. You can change the language by clicking on the Selzy plugin Settings:

Settings of Selzy plugin

  1. Select the language you need and click Save Changes: 

Selecting a language and saving

How to delete one of the form’s fields

The Email field is mandatory, but other fields in your form can be deleted. To do so, in WordPress, go to the Forms menu of the Selzy plugin and choose the form you need. Next, go to Fields:

Choosing a form

Hover over the needed field’s name for the Edit, Delete, Duplicate functions to appear. Click Delete to delete the field:

Deleting a field

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