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Keyboard Shortcuts in Selzy Chatbot Builder

When creating or editing a scenario in Selzy chatbot builder, you can use keyboard shortcuts to perform some actions faster.

In the table below, you will find the list of all keyboard shortcuts available for Windows and Mac:

Action Keyboard Shortcut
Quick block addition Click the right mouse button or double-click the left mouse button
Selecting blocks with the selection frame Press and hold Shift/⇧ + hold down the left mouse button + select the blocks
Copy a block or blocks Ctrl/⌘ + C
Paste a  block or blocks Ctrl/⌘ + V
Duplicate a block or blocks Ctrl/⌘ + D
Step back Ctrl/⌘ + Z
Step forward Ctrl/⌘ + Y
Zoom in Scroll wheel forward or +
Zoom out Scroll wheel backwards or -
Delete a block Backspace or Del
Close the quick block addition menu Esc


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