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getMessage method

It is a method to get information about SMS or email message.

Principle of use

Syntax and URL to call the method
getMessage (int id)


id * id — 31-bit positive integer, message identifier. Such identifiers are returned using the createEmailMessage and createSmsMessage methods. The id can be transferred as a single number or as an array to receive several letters (see the example below).
api_key * API access key


Return value
JSON array, each array element is an object of the letter with the following fields:

  • id — 31-bit positive integer, message identifier.
  • sub_user_login — either the login of the sub-user who created the letter, or NULL if the letter was created by the master user.
  • sender_email (only if the message is an email) — the sender's email.
  • sender_name (only if the message is an email) — the sender's name.
  • sender (only if the message is an sms) — the sender's name.
  • subject (only if the message is an email) — subject of the letter.
  • body — body of the letter.
  • text_body (only if the message is an email) — text version of the letter body.
  • list_id — ID of the campaign list.
  • created — letter creation date and time in the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
  • last_update — date and time of the last change in the letter in the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. For example: 2013-09-15 05:38:11.
  • service_type — email type (email or sms).
  • lang_code (only if the message is an email) — two-letter language code to be automatically added to the letter with the unsubscribe form (for example, "en", "ru").
  • active_version_id — ID of the letter version.
  • message_format — returns the manner of creating a message: block — block editor, raw_html — html editor, text — text version of the letter.
  • wrap_type (only if the message is an email) — alignment of the text in the letter.
    Possible options:
    1. skip — alignment is not performed.
    2. left — left alignment.
    3. center — center alignment.
    4. right — right alignment.
  • images_behavior — (only if the message is an email) — the manner of transfer of pictures in the letter. Possible options:
    1. only_links — images are not transferred, links are added instead.
    2. attachments — pictures are transferred as attachments to the letter.
    3. smart_mode — it is not used at the moment.


        "created": "2010-02-23 13:29:51",
        "last_update":"2013-09-02 07:35:17",
        "sender_email":"[email protected]",
        "subject":"Message Subject",
        "body":"<p>Message body</p>",
        "text_body":"Message body"
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