Handle These Marketing Fails and Learn Which Type of Marketer You Are

Handle These Marketing Fails and Learn Which Type of Marketer You Are
24 November, 2023 • ... • 3318 views
Daria Zhuravleva
by Daria Zhuravleva

Everybody screws up from time to time — dealing with the consequences is more important. What will you do if your marketing campaign fails and causes a massive social media backlash? Will you record an overly dramatic YouTube apology or keep going without addressing the comments? Take our quiz, deal with 8 (somewhat real) marketing fails, and learn if you’re the Zen master or the chaos tamer.

24 November, 2023
Article by
Daria Zhuravleva
I'm a writer with 3 years of experience, knowledge and interest in all things IT and marketing, and a passion for the English language. As a staff author at Selzy, I see my mission as an educator who makes your life easier by explaining complex topics in a digestible and somewhat entertaining way. Hobbies include birdwatching, all things music and art, writing freeform poetry, and hiding in the woods.
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