Why email subject lines matter for your International Women’s Day marketing campaign
Subject lines always matter a lot for any marketing email — or sales email, or any email, for that matter. But for a holiday email, which is an indispensable part of any email marketing strategy, a good subject line is everything. Just get it wrong — and your rivals will grab your customers’ attention first, while your awesome email will go unnoticed. When there are dozens of emails in your clients’ inboxes, and your message is tied to a particular date, that is a critical issue.
Moreover, there are so many ways to get something wrong when it comes to International Women’s Day campaigns. To hit the mark, you need to understand the origins and the meaning of the holiday, the specifics of your audience and your products, the current agenda on the topic, etc. But let’s assume you already know all that, so everything you need is some inspiring examples, email ideas, and proven writing tips. Luckily, we’ve got plenty.