It is a method to get the list of all available campaigns. The number of mailings received at a time is limited to 10,000. To get a complete mailings list when there is more than 10,000, use the from and to parameters.
Principle of use
Syntax and URL to call the method |
getCampaigns (datetime from, datetime to) | |
Arguments | |
api_key * | API access key. |
from | Date and time of the campaign start from which campaigns are to be displayed, in the "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" format, time zone UTC. |
to | Date and time of the campaign start until which campaigns are to be displayed, in the "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" format, time zone UTC. |
limit | Number of records in the response to one request must be an integer in the range from 1 to 10 000. |
offset | The parameter indicates from which position the selection is to be started. The value must be 0 or more (the position of the first record starts from 0), 0 is set by default. |
Return value | |
JSON-array, each array element is an object with the id, start_time, status, message_id, subject, sender_name, sender_email, stats_url, where:
id — id of the current campaign; start_time — campaign start time, it is returned in the «YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss» format in UTC; status — current campaign status (see the possible campaign statuses); message_id — id of the message sent on this campaign; list_id — id of the list for which the campaign was created; subject — campaign message subject; sender_name — value of the «From» field in this campaign; sender_email — value of the «From address» field in this campaign; stats_url — URL of the report page for this campaign. Example the return value: { "result": [ { "id": 6626556, "start_time": "2015-09-28 10:03:59", "status": "waits_schedule", "message_id": 3769465, "list_id": 32127465, "subject": ", special offers from tour operators and last minute tours", "sender_name": "test", "sender_email": "[email protected]", "stats_url": "https://selzy.local/en/v5/bursts/view/6626556" }, ... ] } |