Build a Travel Agency Email and We’ll Reveal the Best Vacation for You

Build a Travel Agency Email and We’ll Reveal the Best Vacation for You
28 July, 2023 • ... • 2641 views
Daria Zhuravleva
by Daria Zhuravleva

We’re one month away from autumn and you still haven’t chosen where to go on vacation? Too bad — but we’ve got you covered. Scientists have proven that your approach to marketing emails reveals a lot about how you relax. We invite you to build a promotional email campaign for an imaginary travel agency from template to sending time. Once you do it, our super duper innovative smart system will calculate the best type of vacation for your personality!

Warning: don’t take the test results too seriously, we did this quiz for funsies.

28 July, 2023
Article by
Daria Zhuravleva
I'm a writer with 3 years of experience, knowledge and interest in all things IT and marketing, and a passion for the English language. As a staff author at Selzy, I see my mission as an educator who makes your life easier by explaining complex topics in a digestible and somewhat entertaining way. Hobbies include birdwatching, all things music and art, writing freeform poetry, and hiding in the woods.
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