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Quiz: Build a Brand and Learn Which Film Director You Are

Quiz: Build a Brand and Learn Which Film Director You Are
20 December, 2023 • ...
Doris Day
by Doris Day

January is International Creativity Month — and we’re celebrating it with a quiz! Marketing is full of non-trivial tasks and requires a creative spirit. But no creative spirit is alike! Team Selzy discovered that there are, in fact, 4 types of creative people who bear a striking resemblance to some of the well-renowned movie directors. Take our quiz, solve a bunch of creative marketing tasks, and find out if you’re Steven Spielberg or David Lynch 🎬

Disclaimer: This typology is by no means scientific, so please don’t take the outcomes of this quiz seriously — we did it for funsies 🙂

20 December, 2023
Article by
Doris Day
An experienced writer and editor with a degree in theoretical linguistics and a specialization in B2B/IT/SaaS marketing copy. I see my mission as an educator who explains complex phenomena using simple terms. My favorite show is "What We Do in the Shadows" and I usually spend my weekends somewhere in nature.
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