In addition, come up with visually appealing mailing layouts, use high-quality images, and write persuasive copy. It can help capture attention and generate interest, as well as show potential customers that you are a trustworthy and professional business. Check out Selzy’s direct mail design tips for inspiration.
Data & personalization
Next, use customer data to create personalized direct mail materials. For instance, imagine that you are sending a postcard to a friend. Make sure to address the recipient by name and incorporate purchase history or customer preferences into the direct mailing’s content.
It might seem excessive, but it really is worth the hassle. According to recent data, personalization lifts revenues by 5 to 25%.
Execution & delivery
Now, you do not want to handle the execution and delivery of a direct mail campaign alone. So, partner with a reputable direct mail service provider and prepare for the launch of the campaign.
First, check whether the mailing list you are about to use is accurate and up to date. Second, coordinate with the provider to schedule the mailings effectively. Third, track each batch of mailings and ensure that everything goes according to plan.
Measurement & analysis
After launching the campaign, track and analyze its results. In the case of direct mail campaigns, you could monitor clients’ phone calls to a dedicated line, customer purchases, or website traffic in the days following the delivery of any direct mail materials.
Then, analyze that data and evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. Calculate its ROI, response rate, and other metrics. If possible, identify areas for improvement. Later on, you can use these insights to ensure the success of your future direct mail campaigns