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API Errors

Standard error codes:

Error Meaning
unspecified The error type is not specified. See details in the message.
invalid_api_key The specified API access key is invalid. Check whether the value of api_key matches the value specified in your account.
access_denied Access is denied. Check whether access to API is enabled in your personal account and whether you are calling a method you do not have access rights to.
unknown_method The specified method name is incorrect.
invalid_arg An invalid value was specified for one of the method arguments.
not_enough_money You do not have enough money in your account to execute the method.
retry_later Temporary failure. Try again later.
api_call_limit_exceeded_for_api_key The restriction on the number of calls of API methods per unit of time was triggered. At the moment, it is 1200 calls per minute. For the sendEmail method, it is 60 calls.
api_call_limit_exceeded_for_ip The restriction on the number of calls of API methods per unit of time was triggered. At the moment, it is 1200 calls per minute. For the sendEmail method, it is 60 calls.

Frequent errors without indication of the type:

Error Meaning
"These list ids="..." has no confirmation letters" No confirmation email has been created for the list to which the recipient subscribes. In your Selzy account, open the contacts list for which the subscription is set, next click on three dots and select Go to campaign defaults. There you can customize your opt-in email and save the changes. Instructions for creating a confirmation email.
“Contacts [email protected] and +17777777 already exist but owned by different subscribers” You are adding the email and phone number of the contact that is already present in your personal account. Indicate an email or phone number that does not belong to another recipient.
"Call to a member function getMessage() on boolean" The call is made with simultaneous use of the GET and POST methods. Make the request using only one of these methods.

In addition to these errors, there may be other ones specified in the descriptions of the methods. Error codes are unique to the entire API, regardless of the method.

Example of a response with an error:

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