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Lead Magnets: Greatest Booster for Your Lead Generation Forms

This is a transcript of lesson 9 of Email Marketing 101 Course by Selzy.

Lesson 9: Lead Magnets: Greatest Booster for Your Lead Generation Forms

Welcome back to Selzy’s course on email marketing!

The previous lesson explained how social media and other channels can get you contacts. And now we’ll tackle lead magnets — the greatest booster for your lead generation forms, which can really help build and grow your email list.

You need bait to catch fish. And in email marketing, you need lead magnets to get contacts.

What is a lead magnet? Roughly speaking, it is a freebie you give in exchange for people’s email addresses or website registrations.

This is one of Selzy’s lead magnets — the Foolproof guide on email list building. To get it, our website visitors need to fill in their email addresses and agree to Privacy Policy. In exchange for access to this lead magnet, they give consent to receive our newsletter.

Blurred image of an example from the video lesson

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With certain types of lead magnets, you can boost your sign-up form conversion rate up to whopping 24%!

So, why are lead magnets so effective?

Here are the 3 main reasons:

First up, lead magnets draw the audience in. People already receive many emails, so they wouldn’t want to share their addresses just to have more. Lead magnets, on the contrary, offer VALUE for a signup. It can be a guide to solving a problem or a webinar on a relevant topic. In this way, it becomes beneficial for your prospects to subscribe, so they do.

Secondly, lead magnets promote your expertise and build trust. A skillfully crafted ebook, webinar, or other content shows you’re an expert in your niche. If the information in the lead magnet is helpful to the reader, this person will remember it and trust the company in the future.

And finally, lead magnets attract quality prospects. Those willing to share their personal information for your content are genuinely invested in your offers. Sure, they aren’t interested enough to make a purchase just yet, but you can convert them into customers over time.

What makes a good lead magnet?

Lead magnets can be anything from an ebook and webinar to a free trial, discount, or product sample. However, it’s not about the format, but more about how you approach it. Let’s see how you can fine-tune your lead magnet so it REALLY BRING LEADS.

  • First up, a good lead magnet addresses a narrow issue. The topic of the lead magnet shouldn’t be broad. Choose one distinct and narrow problem of your audience and offer a solution. Better yet, make it so your prospects can get the benefit quickly.

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  • Second, it shows expertise. A good lead magnet should highlight your unique value proposition and position you as an expert. Basically, you need to give a proof of why people should trust your content. In this example here, it is clearly shown that the templates you’re going to get are created by someone who produces content for top companies.

Blurred image of an example from the video lesson

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  • Third, a good lead magnet is quickly accessible. The lead magnet will work best if people can get it immediately. This will give them a sense of quick satisfaction. Plus, make it easily digestible so your prospects don’t get overwhelmed or bored.

Let’s see how you can make the most of your lead magnets

Here’s a list of hints for you:

Number 1. You can Create SEVERAL lead magnets for different audiences

If you offer marketing courses, you can, for example, make 2 separate lead magnets for solopreneurs and those who want to enter the profession. You never know which one will bring more subscribers.

Number 2. Do share the value of your lead magnet so people know they’re getting something worthy

Compare these two: “Get my free course (worth 59$)” and “Get my free course”. Yes, you guessed it right, the first one will attract more leads as people get the feeling they will actually save 59$ by getting access to that course, and that’s quite some motivation.

Blurred image of an example from the video lesson

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Number 3. Think further than just another ebook

Literally anything can be a lead magnet! From simple ebooks to quizzes and calculators with estimations — you name it. You can choose the format that best suits your business or existing content. For example, if you make a course, you can offer one of the modules as a lead magnet.

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To find out what lead magnet type will work best for your business, go to the Recommended Reading Section under this video: we put a link to a big study about which lead magnets work best in each business category.

Number 4. Don’t give out everything at once

We don’t mean to disappoint but many people unsubscribe right after they get their lead magnet. The good news is that you CAN offset that by spreading your content across a series of emails. This works really great with courses. For example you can spread your course over a 5 day series of emails, instead of giving the link to the full course right away. Yes, this demands more effort, but it prevents unsubscribes and results in higher quality leads.

Blurred image of an example from the video lesson

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You got leads. What's next?

Ok, now that you have followed all the rules and collected a bunch of high quality contacts, let’s upload your list to your email marketing software!

Simply click on “import contacts” or a similar button on your dashboard. You will either need to enter all the emails manually or upload them from a file.

Blurred image of an example from the video lesson

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Well, that’s it! You have uploaded your list, so you’re now ready to create a professional looking email. That’s exactly what we’re going to talk about in the next module!

Stay tuned!

This is a transcript of lesson 9 of Email Marketing 101 Course by Selzy.