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Guess the Brand by Its Black Friday Campaign

Guess the Brand by Its Black Friday Campaign
31 October, 2023 • ...
Diana Kussainova
by Diana Kussainova

Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping days of the year. Almost every brand creates a campaign dedicated to the sale or the environmental message around it. In this quiz, we gathered some interesting and not obvious Black Friday campaigns. Can you guess the brand behind each one of them? Test your intuition in this quiz!

We hope you had a lot of fun with this quiz! Check out our articles on Black Friday to see even more interesting examples!

Images used in the quiz were sourced from Printful, Milled, Really Good Emails, YouTube, MailCharts.

Article by
Diana Kussainova
Writer, editor, and a nomad. Creating structured, approachable texts and helping others make their copies clearer. Learning and growing along the way. Interested in digital communications, UX writing, design. Can be spotted either in a bookshop, a local coffee place, or at Sephora. Otherwise probably traveling. Or moving yet again.
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