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Email workflow

Automate every step of your communication with customers.

Automate the routine to focus on what’s important

Take the manual work out of your email marketing with Selzy email workflow tool.

Automated yet personalized conversations

  • Streamline communication with your customers in just a few clicks. Send automated messages based on the subscribers’ actions and behavior. Create email sequences with multiple scenarios from scratch or use goal-oriented templates. Track stats at each step to monitor your audience’s response.
Email workflow

An easy way to turn your subscribers into customers


Customer journey builder

Create an email workflow from scratch with our intuitive customer journey builder. Build multiple scenarios according to possible reactions.


10+ workflow templates

Save time by using ready-made email workflow templates for popular occasions like welcoming, abandoned cart/event reminders, webinar series, etc.


Visual statistics

Check statistics at every step of your workflow to monitor your readers’ behavior (number of opens, ignores, etc.).

Visual email builder

Visual email builder

Easy even for total beginners

Use drag and drop blocks to create a stunning message even if design is not your thing. No HTML/coding experience needed.


Expertly crafted templates

Use one of 140+ templates for the most popular occasions to save time and create professional emails from the start.


100% responsive

All your emails will perform great on all kinds of devices. The best thing? You can even create a separate mobile version of your email.

Create email workflows in just 3 steps

Create email workflows
Create email workflows
Create email workflows


From Dashboard, go to Automation



Click Create chain or select one of our templates. Add the steps you need.



Activate it

Try more Selzy features to boost email marketing results

Email analytics

Analyze the deepest corners of your campaigns, from basic to advanced metrics, with Selzy email analytics tool.

Subscription forms

Get even more leads with Selzy subscription forms. Choose between embedded signup forms or popups.

Bulk email

Send to millions with Selzy free bulk email service. Unrivaled 99,8% deliverability. No more spam issues.

50,000+ customers can't be wrong...

Selzy is the easiest way to start selling with email.

But don’t just take our word for it, see what our customers say 👉

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What are email workflows?

It’s a sequence of emails triggered by a user’s action. It leads a user to a certain goal, for example, to a purchase, or a subscription.

Why do I need email workflows?

An email series automates customer interactions. With workflows, you can give more info about your product, lead a user to purchase or remind about an abandoned cart.

How do I set up email workflows in Selzy?

Create an email and choose a condition: for example, a subscription to your newsletter or adding an item to the cart. Unite your emails into a series that will lead a user from getting to know your brand up to the first purchase.

Can I launch an email workflow if I’m a total beginner?

Use one of 10+ Selzy goal-oriented workflow templates: from welcome series up to abandoned cart series. Add your content, analyze the performance and adapt, if needed.

Create your first email workflow for free

Turn subscribers into customers.

Set it up for free
No credit card required. Access in one click.