Authors - page 7

Yanna-Torry Aspraki
Yanna-Torry is an email & deliverability specialist, consultant & speaker. Her mission is to democratize and simplify deliverability for senders, marketers and #emailGeeks alike. Yanna-Torry loves coaching and educating all kinds of senders in order to help them with email and deliverability. She is always available to geek out about email & deliverability and keeps no secret to herself.
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Nicol Quilang
I’m a teacher by profession and a writer in practice. Teaching through writing is my philosophy. I share Selzy’s goal of making professional email marketing as easy as breathing, even for beginners. This translates to easily digestible blogs I write — comprehensive yet simple. When I’m not learning, breaking down concepts, and writing, you can find me playing with my pets and romanticizing my life through Taylor Swift’s music.
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Anna Sarayna
Anna Sarayna is a conversion copywriter and email marketing strategist helping SaaS brands, ecommerce store owners, and online service providers drive more sales with email strategy and copywriting. When she’s not doing client work, you can find her geeking out about email marketing, painting with watercolors, and being a devoted plant mom.
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Selzy Selzy Selzy Selzy